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                                APPENDIX A

        DOORWAY will return error codes  when it exits.   If you use an
        ERRORLEVEL  in the batch  file, it  can determine the following
        reasons for the termination of the DOORWAY door.

             0  -  Normal program  termination (as  far  as DOORWAY  is
             1 - External Abort, user  entered character defined by the
             2 - Carrier Lost
             3 - Keyboard Timeout
             4 - Time Limit Exceeded
             5 - Reboot (you should never get this one)
             6 -  Local Abort, sysop entered  the character defined  by
                  the /R:
             7 - File  not found, one  of the files  were not  found by
             8 - Syntax Error
             9 - DOS must be version 3.0 or later
             10- reserved
             11- Code is corrupted
             12- Password failure

        In  addition, error codes returned  by DOS and the program will
        be  returned in  a file called  DWSHELL.ERR.  The  actual error
        code returned by  DOS or the  program will be  written in  this
        log, and the source will be identified as the program or DOS.

        Because some  com programs will  not accept some characters, or
        will  miss  up with  some characters,  several characters  have
        been translated by DOORWAY before sending  out the modem  (when
        DWCOMM is NOT on the  remote end).  These are: the little solid
        right  and left arrows get translated to a "<" and ">", the ESC
        which shows up as a small ldft arrow gets  translated to a "<",
        and  the form  feed, which is a  circle with a +  at the bottom
        gets translated to a script "f".

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson